For students seeking continuing education programs, their main goal is often to get ahead in their careers. Whether they are hoping to increase their income, desire a more flexible schedule, or just want to give back to their community – our cybersecurity program works to help connect these people with the skills and training they need to get started in the cybersecurity workforce.
The University of Miami Cybersecurity Bootcamp values real stories and experiences from students who took the plunge and decided to take the first step towards changing their life. That’s why we provide dedicated career services that allow students to get one-on-one attention from someone who has their best interests in mind. And it doesn’t stop there! Student success stories are our favorite thing to hear, so when we find out a student has been placed in a position or internship, has gone on to successfully complete a certification test, or landed an important client, we like to sit down with them to learn more about their unique story.
Randy’s Journey into Tech
Randy Rodriguez recently completed our Cybersecurity Bootcamp and received his certificate from the University of Miami. Through the education he received and the knowledge he gained, Randy was able to begin working in the cybersecurity field while still in our program. Like some of our students, Randy had no professional experience working in technology but had taken several computer classes in high school.
Prior to entering the course, Randy was a college student studying chemistry – a topic he found didn’t interest him as much as computers did. He quickly realized that he wanted to switch gears. To make ends meet, Randy was working as a server in a restaurant. While the work helped to ensure he had financial stability, it often meant working inconsistent hours and not having enough room for growth.
Discovering University of Miami’s Cybersecurity Bootcamp
Like many of us, Randy enjoys actively pursuing social media to communicate with friends, pass the time, and engage with other people with similar interests. While scrolling through Instagram, he came across an ad for the University of Miami Cybersecurity Bootcamp program. Because of his interest in computers and education, Randy saw this as an interesting opportunity and decided to learn more.
He was quickly connected to the University of Miami’s Student Success Leader, who answered his questions about the course and explained how a career in cybersecurity would impact his life as a whole. After finding out the course was designed by Israeli cybersecurity experts and taught by industry leading professionals, Randy was interested in moving forward.
The first step towards becoming a student of the University of Miami Cybersecurity Bootcamp program is to determine your eligibility for our Introductory Course. This is a mandatory part of our course, as it familiarizes students with the basics of cybersecurity and will help give them a better understanding of what they will be doing if they pursue this professionally.
In Randy’s case, he was immediately taken with the Introductory Course. Since he had some familiarity with computers and cyber technology, he knew the full bootcamp would be a great fit for him.
Becoming a Success Story
Throughout his time in the bootcamp, Randy was exposed to plenty of interesting tactics and useful skills that he uses today in his position as a Security Consultant. While he did have some prior background in the technology field, he had much to learn about cybersecurity and was eager to see how it could be applied in the real-world. According to Randy, the course taught provided him with the tools and study materials necessary to pass cybersecurity certification exams!
“I feel like you can come into this program with no experience at all and learn more than you ever imagined.”
Randy Rodriguez
Before completing the program and receiving his certification of completion, Randy got a role in information technology where he was able to put his technical skills to work with sim and log watching, implementing antivirus, and analytical work. Around the time he completed this program, Randy met his future employer at a conference. Networking and staying involved in the cyber sector can help you meet plenty of professionals who might have the perfect opportunity for you. Such was the case with Randy, who was offered a job a short while later.
Today, he works for a hospital acting as a Security Consultant. He is responsible for many important tasks, including verifying HIPAA compliance and standards, ensuring the hospital is using up to date computer software and hardware, and that the office setting is well secured. Part of Randy’s daily or weekly responsibilities include creating detailed reports and helping the hospital understand any vulnerabilities that may put them or their patients at risk. He continues to have work and can even enjoy a bit of flexibility with his schedule!
Are You Considering a Career in Cybersecurity?
With millions of Americans filing for unemployment during these uncertain times, a reliable career is more important now than ever. For many of us, ensuring that you can continue to provide financial security and overall reliability to yourself, your family, and any members of your household that rely on you is a top priority.
So why not make a change? It’s never too late to invest in your future, and a career in cybersecurity can help ensure you stay busy, even when other sectors are seeing a decline. With the University of Miami Cybersecurity Bootcamp, you can get the training and skills you need to enter the workforce and take many of the industry’s leading certification exams in as little as a year.
Call us today at (305) 425-1151 to talk with one of our admissions advisors! They will provide you with more information about the program and answer any questions you may have. If you feel it is a good fit, you’ll be able to enroll or reserve a seat for our next available introductory course.